Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Internet Down!

Alright so get this. A month and a half ago I paid a huge Comcast bill. It was 2 months worth -- one late bill and one regular bill. But I paid it online through my PNC bank account. The problem is that my bank account was connected to my old Comcast account before I moved 7 months ago. So the payment went to the wrong account.

Saturday morning I woke up and had no internet. I figured I had forgotten to pay the bill and I just needed to call and get it turned back on. But when I looked at the two bills sitting on the table, everything added up. One bill said I owed X amount, and the other bill said thanks for the payment of X amount. Upon closer review, howevah, I noticed that the payment went to a different account! Shiznit.

So I called and this lady said she had set up the payment to transfer and it was all good. But still no internet. So I called back and spoke to some other lady and she was like, yeah yeah it might take a few days for that payment to transfer, but let me see if we can't just get you turned back on... But still nothing!

So then a couple hours later I call back and this guy gives it to me straight. He's like, yeah, they sent a guy to disconnect your account from the pole outside your house. I was like, WHAT?! Why the fuck would they do that?!? I was like you can't just call me and ask?! Or send me an email?? You gotta send this man to my house -- what, does he have a pair of wire cutters climbing up that pole snipping shit???  I was so pissed.

So here I am now leaning over to one side of my house where I got the free wi-fi! Take that, Comcast, you can totally suck it now! If I am in the left side of my bed, or anywhere further towards the front of the house (my bedroom is in the front) I can pick up this unsecure Netgear signal -- probably from across the street. If I want to use my iPod, though, I have to go stand at the window or sit out on the porch. But this morning I set up a little desk by the front window with my laptop and coffee -- had the internet just like a normal morning. Now it's midnight and I'm writing this blog post in bed with the laptop and free internet hijacked from somebody's shit!

And when I go to sleep I'm going to stream some Netflix.... Don't tell anybody....

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